Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pool Progress

Today was day three of the pool building. We have a BIG messy yard but we also have a big hole that will be full of concrete tomorrow! Only 5 more weeks to go. Can't figure out what takes so long if the shell will be ready tomorrow but I guess we'll find out.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My beginnings as a Blogger

I've finally decided to jump on the bandwagon and create a blog. I still refuse to join Facebook, etc. Too trendy for me. Joel loves it though and I live my facebook existence through his page. Besides he has way more Facebook friends than I would and I'm just to competitive for that.

Lily became a seven year old on Saturday. I can't believe it! We had a great day-well most of us. Joel not being a big birthday celebrator started to complain after we sang Happy Birthday and blew out candles for the third time. I personally thought I was being very low key by only inviting three friends out to dinner and to spend the night.

Our busy weekend ended with me and Joel completing the swingset/playhouse move so they could start our pool Monday morning. Can't wait to go swimming! Today's temp is 105 with a heat index of 112 (thank goodness soccer practice was cancelled). Of course with a completion forecast of 6-8 weeks away who knows if we'll swim this year or not. Actually for Joel's benefit we WILL swim this year even if we get hypothermia. I want to make sure he knows we will use the pool and love the pool- not that that's a real question but I'm not the one who signs the checks. Well actually I did sign this check- I guess I should say I'm not the one who deposits the money in order to write the checks. Of course that all changes in August when I will be contributing my massive paycheck as a first grade teacher's aide. Even though it's not much I'll have a paycheck for the first time in 8 years- I think I've already spent my first three months salary. Hopefully my sweet husband won't remember me saying numerous times "I'm paying you back for that with my first, second, third paycheck". I don't think he'll remember, of course now it's in writing. That's ok, not sure who will read this but it makes me feel very computer savvy and kinda Creative Memories-ish (cause I will never catch up on all those picture albums, much less get the old film developed).